The website, accessible from the URLs (referred to as the “WebSite”) is edited by Eyal Chvika’s Law Firm, located at 7, avenue Gourgaud, 75017, Paris, France, tel./fax: +33 (0)1 42 27 31 06,
email:, siret number: 443 821 541 00077 (referred to as the “Law Firm”).

The Editor of this WebSite is Mr. Eyal Chvika, Attorney at Law at the Paris Bar.

In accordance with provisions of sections L.612-1 and seq. of the French Consumer Code, you have the possibility, in the event of litigation with an Attorney at Law, to resort freely to Consumer Mediator (Médiateur de la consommation) who will be the national mediator of National Council of Bars (Conseil National des Barreaux) (CNB). The contact information of the said Consumer Mediator is: CNB, Consumer Mediator, 180, boulevard Haussmann – 75008 Paris.

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Address: ZA les Erondières, 86240, Ligugé, France

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Tel.: +33 (0)5 49 41 85 71



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The WebSite and any work and material composing the WebSite, in particular any text, article, newsletter, press release, presentation, brochures, illustrations, pictures, digital animations, are and remain the exclusive property of the Law Firm.

© Eyal Chvika Law Firm – 2018